Monday, August 4, 2008

Be Brave

"Do one thing every day that scares you" Eleanor Roosevelt

I recently heard about a blogger's challenge, inspired by Eleanor Roosevelt's words found on a greeting card in a local arts supplies store. This blogger vowed, after feeling moved and further reflecting on this quote, to do one thing every day that scared her. She received much response from this commitment and decided to name her quest: The Be Brave Project.

I was so intrigued by this project and also felt the shift in my spirit to challenge myself to take on this adventure. Will I do it everyday? Don't think so. But, I do think it's a worthy goal... mainly because that which we fear often can propel us to another, more meaningful state. The only thing that blocks us is our fear.

Think of what represents bravery to you. What are some times in your life when you felt brave?

Was it when you had your first child?
When you told the boss you were leaving?
When you sky dived?
When you ended a negative relationship?
Joined the military? Started a new project?

Whatever it was, out of all the times you can remember being brave, were any of those times absent of fear?

For most of our experiences, the times when we remember being the most brave are also the times we were most afraid.

Yet, when we are afraid, we feel like we just can't do anything!

Remember that fear is the shadow cast beside us as we walk. As long as we are moving, we are being courageous. When we become still and lifeless, like our shadow, we are encompassing fear, not embracing our bravery.

If you are interested in the "Be Brave" project, check out the following link:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this blog Liz! Glad you are back to writing!