It's the lastest "pop" term that has marketing agencies and environmentalist buzzing. The need to pay attention to our environment, and the effect we have on it, is long overdue. I am not expert on "Going Green". But, I do know enough to believe that we must, at the very least, begin to alter our ways of living in order to ensure a safe place for our children.
"The significant problems we have
cannot be solved at the same level of thinking
with which we created them"
Albert Einstein
As Einstein suggests, we can not expect to solve this problem, or any other for that matter, by driving down the same road that led us to this dead end in the first place. Remember -- the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
What does that mean?
We have to change things up!
A simple search of "going green" on the internet will lead you to thousands of tips of how to conserve energy, recycle, and eliminate toxins in your home or buisness. Everything from driving a hybrid, using compost as fertilizer and eating organic foods are said to be a start to preventing further damage on our ozone layer.
Even if you start implementing just one "going green" tip, you will hopefully be starting a pattern of healthy living that will progress into a healthy environment.
But, what about the environment of your mind?
Our spirit has an ozone layer, too. An invisible shield that's primary function is to protect us from being burned by a power more damaging than the sun. When our mind becomes flooded with negative emotion, painful feelings and most damaging - self defeating thoughts - the toxic air we release begins to erode our protective shield and leave holes, like scars on our spirit. Our weak areas become pathways for poison to pollute our soul and pour down on us, and our families, like acid rain. What's left is anything from an enironment struggling to survive, to a space that can no longer produce healthy thoughts.
Spend some time reflecting on your internal environment. Unlike the real ozone layer, should you find a hole, you can repair it quickly. But, like the real iniative of "going green", it will take a life change.
It will take a committment to love your self and speak loving words to those around you.
Repairing the damage will require adding new thoughts in - thoughts that are forgiving, encouraging, loving and determined to live a fruitful life.
Maybe you are content with your ozone layer, damage and all. "It's only effecting me." you may think. "No need to change when I am the one who lives it."
Not true. Re-read a few paragraphs up. Your unwillingness to change your internal environment effects everyone around you - specifically those who love you. Just as the ozone layer has felt the effect of our ancestors ways of living, so will your spirit imprint on those who are to follow you. Individuals you have yet to meet will be effected by your choices to provide a healthy internal enviroment today.
This weekend reflect on your internal enviroment. Make a committment to recycle the good inside of you and eleminate the toxins. Do it for you and those you love. Going green will keep you from getting the blues!
"For this very reason,
make every effort to add to your
faith goodness;
and to goodness, knowledge;
and to knowledge, self control;
and to self control, perseverance;
and to perseverance, godliness;
and to godliness, brotherly kindness;
and to brotherly kindness, love.
For if you increase these qualities
in increasing measure, they
will keep you from being ineffective
and unproductive..."
2 Peter 1:5-8
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