Go to the refrigerator and take some garlic out. Peel the outer leafy layer off until you get to the yellow core. Find some strong tape. Now tape the garlic to the inner part of your wrist. Once taped there, go about your business for the next thirty minutes or so.
After awhile, ask someone to smell your breath. Don't tell them about the garlic on your wrist. Just ask them to tell you what they smell.
Nine times out of ten, they will smell garlic.
Why can others smell the garlic on your breath when you did not ingest any orally?
I'm not scientist or doctor, but it seems pretty logical that the garlic soaks into the skin and then into the blood stream. Thus, making our breath smell garlicy.
Everything that we surround ourselves with in life does the same thing. Whether you are aware of it or not. The music you listen to, shows you watch and company you keep all soak into you and will eventually become you, too. When I have client's who are working on sobriety and tell me they are still hanging with their friends who use, I issue an old AA warning, "If you go to the barber shop enough times you are going to get a hair cut." Our surroundings do have an impact on us and, like chameleons, we eventually mold into the crowd. No matter how much we deny this could happen - it does.
Last week my house was a mess. The computer room had so much junk in it that you could barely walk in it. I felt stressed in here typing. Today it's clean as a whistle. It' s organized and decorated for the first time in 2 years. I am much more relaxed and find ideas flowing more readily.
The way you design your environment and the people you choose to frequent it will effect you. Incorporate daily inspirations in your life and allow it to surround you. That will soak in too!
"But now, if we introduce
into the this reverie the repetition
of the name of God,
we shall find that we can
control our moods,
despite the interference of the outside world....
the name of God will change the climate
of your mind.
It can not do otherwise..
We cannot long continue to repeat
any word without
beginning to think about the
reality which it represents."
Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali
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