Friday, October 19, 2007

Be the peace.

I've enjoyed reflecting on how to find peace in a busy world this week. I feel like we all could think of many tools to put in our tool box! In fact, I encourage you to have a very full tool box! If we only have one or two chosen coping skills to deal with stress, we will eventually wear those skills out to the point where they just don't work anymore. Take a few minutes to take inventory of the many different methods you know of to reduce your own personal stress. Make sure you aren't leaning on one to heavily. Always ask yourself, "Is this working for me?" If the answer is no, it's time to return to box and pick another healthy skill!

Today's tool: Quit being a pain in the neck!

Our lives may not fit the standard definition of peace. We may be rushing and zooming through the day; there may be 'crisis' after 'crisis' we are attending too. Our colleagues, bosses and peers may be short or down right rude to us. We may miss the bus. Our car may break down. The baby may never stop crying. We may get a headache, backache, or tooth ache. The bottom line is this: Just because life may be a pain the neck, doesn't mean we have to be.
We have the ability, the power and the obligation to always be in check with our attitude towards other people, no matter what has happened during our day. In the midst of a storm, we can keep calm waters in our soul. In the middle of war, we can react and act in a peaceful manner to one another.
I am the only one in charge of my attitude. There is not a person or thing that can change my attitude unless I allow it. The truth is that I do allow things to effect my mood. But, if I choose to dump my bad mood on the sales clerk, the bank teller or even you, then I am not acting peaceful... and therefore it is more difficult for me to find peace. When we are disrespectful, rude and react with aggressiveness or defensiveness, we loose a piece of our self respect. And worse, we become the negative in another person's day. It's very difficult to find peace on a deserted island or in a busy city with that weight on your shoulders.

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you,
live at peace with everyone."
Romans 12:18 NIV
How do you do that? Judge less, or not at all if possible! Stop worrying about what others are doing and focus on what you are doing. Support one another instead of slashing people when they are down. As many times as you point the finger... count the number pointing back at you. Remember that every word you utter to a loved one or a stranger, may be what makes or breaks thier day. Choose to make someone's day. Offer everyone the respect they deserve. If you can live your life as a mirror image of peace... then it doesn't matter how busy you are or what the content of your day entails, your process of communicating with others may be the most important tool in your box. If you express a peaceful attitude, you will be more at peace.
Dr. Johnny McKinney ends his sermons with this saying every week. Read it and take it to heart this weekend:
Remember this, life is short.
We have not much time to gladden the hearts
of those with whom we journey.
Therefore, be swift to love,
make haste to be kind,
and live your lives in the light of eternity.
Go in peace.

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