Saturday, October 13, 2007

Just Do it!

I enjoy writing.
I like the challenge of using words to create an image.
I am not introverted. I am extroverted.
I wonder why I feel like you have to be an introvert to write?
Another stereotype I put in my mind.... a myth I tell myself to put out the flame... to stop myself from doing something I enjoy.
I can't spell good. Not real good anyway. I confuse sayings. Just the other day I said, "Let's don't put all our chickens in the basket." That didn't make any sense... but, it did make us laugh.
I enjoy writing.
Are the thoughts in my head worthy of writing down?
Do people think I am weird? (Don't answer that!)
Does my writing even make sense?
I could go on and on about the myths, the lies, the ill thoughts that my brain actually entertains.
Where does this voice of criticism come from?
I enjoy writing.
Should I be cleaning the kitchen?
Is there something better I can do with my time?
Why can't I just allow myself to enjoy doing something.... without worry about the result... how it will be perceived... what will come of it.
I love watching children play.
They color, build, mold, paint, create, destroy, sing, act, tell stories, and play pretend. They do it all for one purpose... because they enjoy it. It makes them feel good.
Children have not learned to be inhibited. They are blessed for that.
This weekend do something you enjoy... simply because it is fun for you. Laugh at yourself. Allow yourself to do something because of how it makes you feel, not just because you are "good at it".
If dancing makes you feel good... dance.
If you like to sing... sing.
If you want to play golf... play.
Release yourself from any preconceived notions.
Just do it!
Enjoy playing!


anna said...

I am so excited that you have a blog! I love reading blogs. I have certain ones in my favorites that I check daily. Now I can add yours! I agree with all the others in that you do have a way with words and offer a lot of inspirational thought. I look forward to checking your blog daily:-). Sorry this is so delayed but I just sorted through all my emails today and found the link.

ancient clown said...


I too very much enjoyed your blog. I think you might enjoy mine as well. The only thing I wanted to add was the difference in concepts between 'doing' and 'being'.
your humble servant,
ancient clown