Wednesday, October 31, 2007


There is nothing
that gives more assurance
than a mask.

October 31st is fun for me! The costumes, creativity, bright colors and (of course) the candy make the normal Wednesday a little more festive. Dressing up and pretending to be someone or something you are not can give us quite a thrill.

Some of us dress up in masks and costumes everyday. Not the ones that we can see, but the pretend acts we layer on to shield our true selves from others. In a way, it is necessary. I don't speak with my boss the same way I speak to my friends. I am different 'in session' than I am 'out of session'. We do have to change roles in order to be effective. But, when we are lost in the fantasy of 'being' someone else and not acknowledging our true selves, then we are living a lie.

While we may temporarily feel confident by the mask we wear... or even victorious that we can stuff down so much and only present what we perceive others want to see... eventually the mask will wear on you. Some have dubbed it "The Impostor Syndrome". The accolades, well wishes and positive things that come from playing your role never sink in past the layers of the mask. Therefore, you never feel good about you... because you are not being you.

Today while you are enjoying the snickers and laughing at some costumes, examine the masks you wear. Are you being authentic to your true self? Do you accept the things that make you you, or do you hide them away for superficial reasons? When you look in the mirror at your unmasked face, do you like what you see?

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