I believe everyone should have a motto. A personal saying engraved in memory used to coach us through events in our lives. I say several throughout the day..... "One step at a time".... "You are doing the best you can". These words calm me down when my stress level starts to rise. I think our brain doesn't automatically know when to slow down... we have to tell it too.
"This too shall pass" is one of my personal favorites. I first began to use this saying when grief or hard times were in my life. Acknowledging that the pain could not last forever allowed me to renew faith and hope that good things were around the corner. It made the dark tunnel a little more bearable. It prevented pain to evolve into suffering.
In the cycle of life, pain is not the only thing that passes. We feel pain and grief because it slams into us and knocks us to our knees. It is a force that refuses to be ignored. The happy times, however, seem to elude us. It doesn't knock us down in the way pain does. In fact, we often have to embrace it ourselves before we can feel the full impact of the good things around us. Otherwise it is, and feels, at a distance.
I have never heard of a drought, storm or fire lasting forever. Have you? Thank goodness they pass.
Neither have I heard of a rainbow lasting forever.
This weekend think about the words, "This too shall pass" to acknowledge that the circumstances in your life will change. Tomorrow, today will be a memory.. Appreciate the good things, the gifts, the blessings in your life. Take time to notice them and celebrate their existence! Don't drive right past the rainbow... pull over and experience it for a moment.
Very true...thank you, Liz. Your words are inspiring and encouraging. I love you.
I probably don't say it enough but thanks for being such an awesome friend. I sit and read all the things you post and they are all so neat. Your outlook on life in general is inspiring:-). Thanks for being you!!!
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