Most of you have met Wyatt. In case you haven't had the pleasure.... meet our son!
Wyatt is a funny dog, with his very own unique personality. This morning was the first time he has been on a walk since last Monday or Tuesday. Noticing the leash in my hand, Wyatt greeted me with a wagging tail and perked up ears.
I put his leash on and BOOM!! Away we went on our jog/walk. The neighbors often joke, "Who's walking who?" as we run by.
This jolt of excitement and unconditional regard is certainly the reason why people say they are "dog people" and may have a dislike for cats. Our two cats are just now finished pouting that we left town for a few days and have graced us with their presence on the couch.
If Wyatt could talk, I have a feeling he would say, "WALK!! Let's go on a walk!! YAY!". If Wyatt didn't greet me with excitement when I held a leash I would pick him up and take him straight to the vet.
Wyatt eats the same thing for breakfast and dinner, every day for all 3 years of his life. He occasionally gets the same treat he has always received when he sits. Wyatt doesn't pout and say, "Oh now you want to walk, thanks for leaving me all alone." Instead, he jumps at the chance for companionship.
I don't know about you, but I would have a difficult time eating the same thing day in and day out. Enduring the same schedule every day would be a bore.
Maybe we should live our lives a little bit more like Wyatt. Thankful for food, not complaining about it's uniqueness. Excited about the walk and not putting our tail between our legs because of bad weather. Ready to accept goodness or a kind act without questioning pretenses and motives. Just happy to be alive and enjoying all the good things God gave us. Not wishing for more. Try living like man's best friend today!
So true!!!! Never thought about it that way. They are always happy! Even when they just got a spanking for eating a couch:-).
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