Sunday, November 4, 2007

I love mornings like this. I went to bed early and thanks to the hour we gained I feel rested and alert when the rest of the world appears to still be sleeping. Tip toeing out of the bedroom and through the house I take a seat next to the window, ready to observe the world in it's peaceful, natural state. My goal is not to be heard or noticed.
Sadie, my normally energetic cat, props up on the hand made afghan, carelessly thrown on the couch. She starts going in circles, making her spot appropriate to lie in. When she is satisfied with her resting place, her body curls up in a ball, placing her head between her paws.
I hear a noise and turn to see my other cat, Daisy, scraping the ground in front of her food bowl. As if she is covering her food in the wild, Daisy scratches all around her food bowl. Amazing how they are conditioned to do these survival tricks having never spent a day in the wild. Our dog, Wyatt, sits on the porch, alert, but with every muscle still. No doubt staring at the squirrel that has entered his territory below.
The birds, the squirrels, even the breeze, all appear different, mysterious and exciting when I take the time to silently notice it. I know that the world will wake up soon. Alarms will go off, the cars will start, the TV's will turn on, the lawn mowers will begin and we will all assume that we 'own' this world.
What's that saying about assuming?
Don't make and ass out of you and me.
My goal as I begin a new week is to stop assuming that the world is mine. That my goals are all that is important. That my ways of living are the 'correct' or 'proper' ones. That I am in the only one in this world with an agenda.
Go about your business today... turn on the TV, cut your grass, do all the things you would normally do. Take a second to remember that you are merely a part of the world, not there to own it. Share this space we have been given and be patient with all the world's inhabitants. Embrace in the diversity of people and things and remember you are just one among them, not an authority over them.
Happy Sunday!

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