Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Bring in Da Noise, Bring in Da Funk

Bring in Da Noise, Bring in Da Funk.
Ever heard of it?
It's a play that was on Broadway for some time. I am not sure if it still is or not. Those of you who know me well, know how much I love plays. I feel alive and passionate after seeing a really great play. Nonetheless, I have not seen Bring in Da Noise, Bring in the Funk. I think it is filled with some awesome dancing and cool music.
The title is what I can't seem to get off my mind today. It is true for me. When there is more "noise" there is more "funk" in my life. I have noticed this recently. Here's our morning routine:

Alarm beeps.
Alarm beeps.
Alarm beeps.
Hand grabs for remote.
Hand blindly turns on the morning news.
We lay in the dark and listen to Meredith or Matt debate someone about politics.
Shane says, "I wish they would shut up".
I say, "me too."
We get out of bed.

We're the ones who have them on!! We invite debates, business, reality TV drama and arguments into our bedroom - and then we complain about what they are doing on TV. And what is really happening is we get our first seconds of an otherwise peaceful quiet morning started off with a complaint.
So, we changed some of that for a while. We listen to music or Joyce Meyer. It's changed my mood for the positive. Or I have spent some mornings sitting on the porch, not in front of the TV. I feel more peaceful all over.
Here is what your challenge is for the day. Turn off the noise whenever possible. Take a ride without listening to the news. Have dinner without the TV on. Take a walk with someone and don't feel like you have to fill it with endless chatter. Just be silent for a while and see what comes of it. Does your mood feel different?
Now, we may go back to the morning news one day. I doubt it's gone for good. Besides, I can't go ALL day without my celebrity gossip fix. But, it's important to remember that when something is on your mind, you have a decision to make, or you are just a little bit on the grump side:
Bring in da noise, bring in da funk.

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