The very word implies something negative. We are taught from a very young age to avoid strangers. Of course we teach our children not to talk to strangers. There are daily reports of kidnapping, abuse, theft, assault, car jacking and more. Just the other day a house two doors down from where I live was invaded by criminals at 10:30 in the morning. Neighbors reported seeing strangers lingering the streets that day. We are all afraid of who we don't know because it makes us feel out of control. If only we had super powers to weed out the good from the bad at first glance.
Having said all of this, it has been "strangers" that have made my day many of times. Picked me up when I ran out of gas, pointed me in the right direction when I was lost (many times!), provided me with an unsolicited compliment, assisted me in giving me tips on how to fix something, where to get a good deal, or who to talk to in times of need.
Now, I've either highlighted my stupidity on a number subjects or opened your eyes to how much we need "strangers". For the most part, my doctors are strangers, the clerk ringing up my Christmas presents is a stranger, the pharmacist is a stranger, and so is the trash collector. Yet, these people are so intimately acquainted to my life.
So, maybe Yeates was right when he wrote, "There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't yet met." Regardless, we have an obligation to treat others kindly and warmly. Be careful not to get too wrapped up in your own stressors and ignore a time to reach out to another. I thank God for the strangers, or angels, He sent me many of times. Without them I may still be walking on the highway! Be in tune to when God may be calling you to help another. There is no danger in being kind to a stranger.
Do not forget to entertain strangers,
for by so doing some people
have entertained angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 13:2
So true, Liz! Thanks for reminding us. Love you.
Funny you just blogged this topic. I told Christy yesterday that I was going to teach Olivia to yell, "Stranger Danger" if ever approached by a stranger:-). It will take some tweaking of course. But you are right, sometimes these strangers are just normal people like me and you. Well, normal may be a stretch for us:-). Ha ha ha!!! Great post though, I enjoy reading your thoughts.
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