Monday, January 28, 2008
Preparing for the Super Bowl
"Do you get it?" Shane asked after a detailed discussion of a great offensive strategy.
"Yep." I said noncommittally.
"You have a blank stare." He noted.
"Yep." I answered, clearly not paying attention.
It's not that I am not interested, because I do like to listen when Shane is describing something that is fun for him. No matter what the subject, to watch someone you love get excited about something they treasure is fun. The point is that I really don't "get it". Not the rules... more of the reason behind it.
I have mentioned before that I am not athletically inclined. I ran track for one year and honestly enjoyed the bus rides more than the track. I have never had that drive to push harder when my opponent gets on my tail. "Well, good for them" I think in my head. Something tells me that a competitive athlete has an innate response to competition that differs slightly than mine.
Track is a non contact sport, too! I can not imagine being involved in a contact sport like football. I would run, similar to Forest Gump, simply to avoid being hit! I have a fear of being physically hurt. I can work through mental anguishes, but the idea of bruising or even breaking a bone is reason enough to enjoy the hot cocoa on the side lines rather than play the game. All of this coming from someone who has never broken a bone in her life and whose idea of surgery was getting my braces off in high school.
"Why would you be afraid of getting hurt?" Shane asked during one of my thesis speeches on the ridiculousness of putting yourself in harms way to win a game. "You can't be worried about getting hurt. Hurting is OK, it's the injury you have to avoid."
Again - blank stare.
"Hurting is good." Shane went on. "There is pain that can feel good. It makes you stronger, it builds muscles, makes you tougher, helps you run faster and keeps you alert. Athletes don't fear getting hurt."
He had my attention. That was a new way of looking at sports from my standpoint.
"A competitive, successful athlete doesn't fear getting hurt?" I asked slowly.
"Nope." He answered. "They are not focused on the bumps and bruises, they are focused on playing the best they can in the game. When there is an injury, that's different. The player would have to be smart and put himself above his pride, in order to prevent permanent danger. But, in general, pain can be positive."
This difference is clear to me now.
In football, and the game of life, if you fear the stress and pain that is inevitable when you play the game, you are only settling to be mediocre.
Imagine how life would be different if you didn't fear stress, challenge, change, confrontation and even wining. The football player's game would be altered if his attention moved from performing at his best to avoiding pain at all costs. He would likely be more clumsy and sloppy in his plays. Ironically, he probably would hurt more.
The same is true for all of us in life. The lens we see this "game" we are playing can not include fear or avoidance of struggles and challenges that stretch our abilities and encourage growth. To be stronger and build up the muscle of wisdom, we must be willing to see a challenge as an opportunity to grow, rather than a time to fear a small amount of pain.
I once heard someone say, "If a penny gave up every time it was brushed, then it would never be polished." The football player doesn't quit the game with the soreness of a muscle. We must also commit to playing at the best of our ability, even with a little pain from time to time.
Friday, January 25, 2008
What about YOU?
I would love to hear about what inspires you and keeps you living in the spirit of life!
Go to the e-mail button below and send me a list!
If you are one of the many people who receive these blog via an e-mail subscription, then go to the actual blog site today -
While you are thinking about what inspires you, check out the blog rolls added to the site. There are some awesome sites I know you will all enjoy!
Happy Weekend!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Swimming in Murky Water

The same is true for God. The spirit wants what is best in your life. Your God desires to give you all you deserve to live a happy life. But, it's not without your willingness to have faith to go in a direction that you are not sure of and leave what is comfortable behind. God will not give up!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Preppy White Girl Celebrates MLK
"I'm Liz - whom you will be meeting with today. Do you have any questions about the paper work?" I asked warmly to the wide eyed stranger.
That's when I noticed it. The look.
The look that said more than, "I've never been to therapy and I'm just nervous."
The look that hinted to disappointment, embarrassment and a touch of shock.
We walked to my office as I waited for the next line.
"You're so young!" she stated.
I smiled. It's hard not to instantly like someone who is honest about her emotions.
"Let's talk about that." I said as a typical therapist. "How will that effect our relationship?"
"Well," she wasn't sure where to go with this, "it's just that I thought... it's just... you're so young!"
I smiled again. After some discussion of our differences, age being just one, I invited this lovely lady to utilize the session today, and if at the end of the session she wanted to transfer to someone different, I would gladly assist in the process. After all, my goal is that she receive what she deserves: help with her issues at hand. My ego has no choice but to be left at home.
At the end of the hour she requested to continue her work with me as her therapist.
The truth is that I am young - comparatively so in my field. For some reason, people imagine therapists to be older, with gray hair placed in a bun and reader glasses at the tip of the nose. I am not the sort.
To sum me up in brief - I am preppy white girl in her late 20's. Highlighted dark blond hair, size 4/6 with a few pimples from time to time. I am good at what I do. I love what I do. I am passionate about helping people. I am also used to being judged at first glanced by some of the people I want to help.
I have been to old for the sixth grade girl who thinks no one understands.
To "preppy" for the out casts I saw in school based therapy. "You remind me of a cheerleader" one said disgustingly as she wrote me off.
Too white for the girl who was taught not to confide in people outside her race.
Too nice for those harden by life.
Too little, too old, too young, too something for a lot of people. How could I help them if I don't resemble them? I do not blame any of these people. Instead, I admire the many who have been able to look past our differences and move forward with the therapeutic relationship.
To know what it is like to be judged?
The smallest toe of my foot has barely grazed the tormented sea of judgement, racism and prejudice that has plagued our society for centuries.
I thank God for sending us fearless leaders, like Martin Luther King, Jr, who, in a peaceful state, fought for equality with a message of truth and wisdom. His dream was for all to realize that women and men are created equally.
So, where are you in that dream?
I am on board that journey. And I say journey, because it is ignorant to think that any of us are free of sin, or judgement in this case. I strive daily to filter out the media signals and age old stereotypes in order to see others as a reflection of God.... and not anything else. I work at it - and that's the truth. If you are not thinking about it, if you are not working at it... chances are you may not be following MLK's dream.
Don't think prejudice's still exist?
They are there in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Racism. Sizism. Ageism.
From religion to hair color. The fluency in the English language. The Southern drawl. Natural hair to the straightened European look. Tattoos. Piercing. He wears a uniform or he wears a tie. Single to married. Homosexuals. And the list goes on and on.
Strive today, in celebration of MLK's dream, to see others outside of what the demographics may represent. In the words of MLK, look for the content of a person's character. Believe in the dream to all be one. Like a body.... we all have a purpose. Do not cut some off because they are different than you. The knee is different than the ear and I need them both. MLK said that in order for America to be a great nation we must follow this thinking. And the same is for you - in order for you to be as great as God would intend for you to be - you must learn to look beyond what the eyes reflect and see with your spirit. After all - I am way more than a preppy white girl. Remember that others are more than meets the eye this week.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
God Speaks Via Pajamas
I got out of the car, relieved to be home and began walking up the side walk. When what to my wondering eyes should appear? But, a blue box with white ribbons sitting on the porch with MY name on it!
"PAJAMA GRAM!!!" I yelled as I entered the house.
"PAJAMA GRAM!" Shane echoed, having obviously already seen the box and left it to surprise me as my welcome.
Glowing and playful, I ripped open the box and then delicately extracted all the goodies. Soft fleece pajama pants and a top lined with satin were beautifully placed in a colorful container, topped with a daisy flower. I stopped being so delicate as I stripped down in the middle of dining room (Shane closing the door as he rolls his eyes at my lack of modesty) and put my new "comfies" on. Like a child on Christmas morning, I didn't want to wait an extra second without wearing my gift.
Next I read aloud the card that came with the gift: "Hey Liz! You're such a positive influence! Thanks for blogging about our show! Bob and Sheri".
A few posts back, I blogged about forming an alliance with your spirit. Check the archives on my site for a refresher. In this blog, I mentioned my favorite morning entertainment, The Bob and Sheri Show, and how it inspired me that day. Someone who is connected with the show found this post and sent me an e-mail requesting my clothing size so they could send me a "thank you". Truth be told I was just as excited about the acknowledgement of the e-mail as I was the pajama gram. My day has been made, so to speak, twice by this group.
Throughout the rest of the night I adorned my pajamas and frequently asked Shane, "How do you like my pajama gram?" wanting not to forget my present. I was practicing some of my favorite rules of life, playfulness and gratefulness. Before I went to sleep, I went back into the dining room and brought the package in the bedroom. And that's when I saw it again.
The daisy.
MY flower.
The flower that visited my mother 13 years ago in a desperate moment when she asked God, "Send me a daisy to let me know everything is going to be OK." And He did.
The flower I have adopted and often seek out for comfort.
The flower that sends me the message that I am on the right path, that everything is as it should be, that everything is O.K. and that I am aligned with my spirit. I flashed to the title of my blog that day, "Forming an alliance".
Did God send me a message via the show and this pajama gram that I was in deed following the course He would intend me too? To calm my fears and doubts and to encourage me to keep going?
Believe what you want.... but, I think so.
Critics would say that it is all circumstantial. That this relatively cheaply made flower is adorned on a number of boxes daily and sent to hundreds of people. There is no connection, no divine message - it's only coincidence.
Coincidence or not, I believe it was "God wink" (as one of my favorite books: "God Winks" calls it). It gave me peace, comfort and an unbelievable joy in my soul. I choose to accept His wink and not doubt it.
Pay attention to when you may be experiencing "God winks" or signs that you are not alone in this world. No matter how small - from a penny to a daisy - signs remind us that there is a spiritual connection that is guiding us a long this path of life. Be willing to be a facilitator, too. If your spirit has a drive to call someone, say something to a friend, or send a pajama gram to a blogging stranger.... do it. You could be the vehicle to a deeper message.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sweater Shopping
Looking around the store I saw anything but sweaters. Colors were everywhere, but not in turtle necks or even long sleeves.
"What?" I exclaimed rather dramatically. "Why do they have Spring clothes out?"
All around me were bathing suits, shorts, tank tops and linen.
I left the store with a slow gait, looking downward.
"Didn't see anything you liked?" Shane asked as he approached the store.
"I barely started wearing my winter coats! My mind is not ready to buy for Spring!" I explained. (or whined more likely)
Have you ever felt like you can't get a grip on time?
"How was your weekend?" one asks.
"Not long enough!" the other replies.
"Not enough hours in the day!" a tired mother explains.
At work someone taped a quote next to the toilet paper rolls in the restroom. It reads, "Life is like a toilet paper roll, the closer you get to the end the faster it goes."
Some people are haunted by time. Never having enough time to do the things they have to do. Never finding the time to do the things they want to do. Feeling depressed worrying about what time may bring. Finding time, needing time -- If we could bottle time, put it in a beautifully painted jar... well, I bet we could make a ton of money selling it on e-bay!!
How do some people appear to not be bothered by the passing of time, while others are "stuck" fighting, resisting and over analyzing it's existence and impact on our lives?
I think the answer lies in regret. Those that embrace the new moments and are thankful for the old, feel at peace for how they have chosen to spend their time. But, if you are thinking time is the enemy, I would question whether or not you are participating against a war within yourself that you will never win.
We can not go back in time. No ifs, ands or buts. Period. What was done was done. Forgive yourself for those decisions that have haunted you and express thankfulness for the good times that you have had the blessing to experience. When you have come back to the present, chose to surrender to the passing of time. We can only gain control when we give it up. Appreciate the day. Live in the moment. Be present to what is all around you today. Get time on your side and quit fighting it! Carpe Diem! If you're not ready to buy a bathing suit when it's 20 degrees outside.... DON"T! The only way to appreciate your life is to live in the now.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Shooting for the Moon
"Taking care of me is exhausting". I saw the weariness in the eyes of this young lady. "I just want to give it to someone else one day and have them take over. I need a vacation from worrying about me."
It's the 11th of January. I don't know about you, but already some of my well intended goals have begun to dim. I am no longer the bright flame of energy that is ready to embrace the "new me" with the new year. My light is flickering. I have worked diligently on my goals for two weeks now. Like the lady I was talking with earlier this week, I am growing weary of my positive changes. It takes a lot of focus to stay on track.
Making a change in your life is like running a marathon. It may sound like an adventure you can tackle. Inevitably, at some point in your training, one grows weary and asks aloud or silently, "Was I crazy to think I could actually do this?". Next comes the bargaining, "Maybe I'll take it down to a half marathon." Before you know it, you've signed up for a 5K and have made resolve with yourself that this may be all you could ever accomplish.
There is some merit in that saying, "Shoot for the moon and maybe you'll hit a few stars". So maybe the 5K is better than what would have been accomplished if the marathon was never a goal. The five pounds lost are not the 50 you intended for the year, but a start. The one junk drawer organized is not the whole house, but something. The one week of a positive attitude is not a year full of gratefulness, but at least a week. Right??
My spirit was twisting and turning as I typed the above paragraph. Why settle? You will only hit a star if your focus is not finely tuned on the intended target. The truth is that you can run the marathon, lose the weight, organize the house and work towards the promotion. You have the power within you to do whatever you set your mind, too. But, RIGHT NOW is the critical time. Don't let that flame burn out; rekindle the fire as you return to your spirit for inspiration and motivation.
"Those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on the wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31
Make the commitment this weekend to stay focused on your goals. Pray about your reservations. Ask your God for strength to continue. Find supportive family and friends and ask for encouragement. Shoot for the moon and be determined that you are not going to miss.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
"Great Job Liz!"
Going to an exercise class can be intimidating. Particularly one you have not gone too before. This was an hour long biking class. I was already begining to flood myself with negative thinking, "What if I can't keep up?", "I'm so out of shape, I don't know if I can make it an hour", and my personal favorite: "I think I'll place my bike close to the door in case I can't make it the whole time."
When I walked in to the class I was greeted with a different type of energy. Mostly, the classes I prefer are yoga or pilates. In these classes there is a calmness and quiet energy in the air. This class was filled with smiling, chatty individuals.
I could tell right away that the people in this exercise class were a "team". By eavesdropping into general conversation, I found that this class e-mails one another, keeps up with whose coming and whose not, and coaches one another to push their limits. I was beginning to feel intimidated as the only stranger in this crowd.
The instructor came up to me before class and whispered, "What's your name, hon?"
"Liz" I said, with a smile. Happy to feel included in this perky group.
We jumped on the cycles and to the beat of high energy music, our legs began spinning. The instructor called out moves and told us when to put more resistance on the bike and when to take it off.
A lady sneaked in late and put her bike next to mine.
"It's been a long day" the stranger confided to me as she started peddling beside me.
Head down, legs pumping, after only 20 minutes, I began to feel as if I would give out.
"Keep it up Liz!! You are doing great today!" The instructor called loudly.
Head still down, I beamed and began peddling my little heart out.
Others would chant words of advice to their peers across the room. I was really enjoying this class. And just when I thought I couldn't do another "jump" the instructor would yell, "Your working hard, Liz! Keep it up!"
I gave a thumbs up to the class and peddled my heart out. When the hour was up, I felt energized, renewed and excited that the class was so much fun for me. The instructor was calling things out again.
"You did great, Liz!"
"Thanks" I heard another voice call out.
I looked up to see that the lady biking next to me was talking to the instructor. She was telling her of how she was recovering from surgery.
"Well" the instructor was saying, "You did awesome, Liz."
"Thanks" the other Liz said, "I needed that."
The whole time, the entire class I thought the instructor was encouraging me along, when in reality she was encouraging someone else. For a second I began to feel embarrassed. Did I fool myself into thinking I was a part of the "group"? Was anybody secretly laughing at me for the "thumbs up" I gave in response to another person's encouragement? All these worries are nothing more than nonsense.
My experience in the class did teach me a lesson. Encouragement is so important in every part of life. I may have convinced myself to leave early had I not thought I was being encouraged and supported. A few lines of support kept me motivated and gave me the strength to not give up. In addition to giving encouragement to others, we also have to vow to accept support whenever possible. I could have left that class and erased all my positive feelings, based on the fact that I was not the intended recipient of the kind words. Instead, I decided to take the support whether it was meant for me or not. I needed it and it was there.
Be in tune this week to how you can motivate others in keeping their goals. Also be aware of when you are being motivated and take it to heart. Don't brush by it without a second thought.
If someone is cheering your name, give a thumbs up and go on peddling!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Surely if you have ever been pregnant, or been around a pregnant woman, you are aware of random and often intense cravings. From pickles to ice cream, or the combination of both, women can crave a number or interesting foods when expecting.
What about more intense yearnings? If you have ever been addicted to anything - from cigarettes to chocolate - you know well what a craving feels like.
Your body and mind tells you that you MUST have the substance now. When you don't get it, your body starts throwing a "temper tantrum". Depending on how strong the addiction - and what type - your body will play a number of tricks on you to get you to "cave in". The heart may quicken, shortness of breath, sweaty palms, itchy skin, and feeling "jittery". When the physical signs don't break you, the addiction will play into your brain. It will consume your thoughts with ways to get the desired substance; you will be lied too and told that "one more time" won't hurt anyone. Again, depending on the degree of addiction, your mind may even begin taking shots at your self esteem. If you can be low enough then you won't care what you ingest.
We all want things from time to time. But, sometimes we feel we MUST have something immediately.
"I just can't walk into that room anymore until it's painted! It must be painted now!"
"I can't make it through another hour without talking to her. "
"Work is impossible with my boss, I must change jobs now."
Whatever you want intensely and immediately, may not be good for you. Joel Olsteen focused his sermon this week on "Keeping your Joy". One line stood out to me. To paraphrase, "If you want something really bad with urgency, then you are off balance."
Give some thought to those things that you feel are urgent to acquire. Maybe they are conversations you are fretting to have or something changed in your life. If it effects you with urgency, and then changes your body reactions, and starts to effect your mood - then it is invading you like a drug. Take a step back from those types of desires. If in a week you want the same thing, do it -- with a calm and peaceful heart. Never act impulsively on these cravings - because you are not acting - the enemy is.
Disclaimer: Dangerous things could occur should you tell a pregnant woman this when she is experiencing a food craving. It is best to let her have the pickles and ice cream immediately!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Forming an Alliance
I prefer to float through life with the understanding that what I believe to be true and just will guide me to the next "best place". In many ways this has worked well for me. Doing good equals receiving good things. Being just means living in a just world. Loving others means love will come to you abundantly. I like these simple rules of living that have often soothed my soul.
When someone starts a conversation with, "Do you want the good news or the bad news?", I will always say "the good news". I then secretly hope that the story teller gets so excited about the good news they will forget all together the other misfortune they feel they must report to me. Like a child who clings to their teddy bear and fairy tales, I want to hear only good things and ignore the evil, or negatives, of the world.
Yesterday morning I was listening to one of my favorite morning radio shows, The Bob and Sherri Show. Often this pair is light hearted and jovial. Many mornings I have spent laughing out loud as I commute to work. Yesterday there was a different tone to the closing message. Sheri's stepfather died recently and she was discussing how her mother spent the first Christmas without her husband. Sheri then ended the show with a comment her mom made to her as they were hanging up the phone, "Some people are not living the life they are meant to be living. They are living the life they chose instead. And that is a far worse feeling than grief."
"Woe to the obstinate children,"
declares the Lord,
"to those who carry out plans that are mine,
forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit..."
Isaiah 30:1
My comfortable, cozy place of rest that whatever I am doing must always be the place God wants me, is not quite so. Without consultation and attempts to align with your Spirit, Your God, and all that you know to be true, you can not be sure you are living the life you are meant to be living. And, like the radio personality pointed out, not living that life is a far worse fate of unresolved pain. It is a suffering life. Feeling pain and grief is inevitable, but, we are not intended to suffer. We are not meant for that. Focus today on forming an alliance with the true Spirit. Confirm that you will live the life you are destined to have.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
"Is something wrong with society?"
The last few weeks have been a world wind. I have visited with family and friends, eaten every piece of chocolate that was in site, dirtied up and then cleaned my house and others. I enjoy very much being in the company of those that I love.
Now it's time to get "back to the grind" as they say. While you wouldn't have known it when the alarm went off this morning, I am excited to get back to a routine. So much was neglected in order for my attention to be focused on the holidays and festivities.
"Is something wrong with our society?" a teenager asked me first thing this morning.
Curious about this loaded question, I asked her to explain.
"Everybody wants something different or feels like they need to become more. Why make New Years Resolutions? Why can't we all just be satisfied with who we are and what we have?" she asked with a perky voice.
While there is some very real truth to this girl's words, the idea of acceptance lies somewhere in the middle. I have to love me in order to want to better me. You can't move forward unless you have first accepted the place you are in presently. If you skip that step, then you never really move at all -- or you only move in a circle -- slamming back to the first place you started.
Take a look at what is today and accept it at face value with out judgement. Then, make movement. You accept and then you grow. Without acceptance you can not grow. Once you have accepted all of you, you can not help but to grow. Like everything alive in nature, we must always be moving towards a goal. It's simply not natural to stay still.
Do you have a vision for you? Whether it's your spiritual life, your physical health, or travel plans, goals need to be made to facilitate movement. Movement equals energy. It's up to you to make that energy positive for your life today.