Wednesday, January 16, 2008

God Speaks Via Pajamas

It was after 8:00pm when I got home last night. A pretty long day, that left me feeling exhausted. Mentally I was trying to combat stress and the negative thoughts that persistently tell me, "You'll never get it all done". Do we all have these thoughts that linger in and out in attempts to defeat us?
I got out of the car, relieved to be home and began walking up the side walk. When what to my wondering eyes should appear? But, a blue box with white ribbons sitting on the porch with MY name on it!
"PAJAMA GRAM!!!" I yelled as I entered the house.
"PAJAMA GRAM!" Shane echoed, having obviously already seen the box and left it to surprise me as my welcome.
Glowing and playful, I ripped open the box and then delicately extracted all the goodies. Soft fleece pajama pants and a top lined with satin were beautifully placed in a colorful container, topped with a daisy flower. I stopped being so delicate as I stripped down in the middle of dining room (Shane closing the door as he rolls his eyes at my lack of modesty) and put my new "comfies" on. Like a child on Christmas morning, I didn't want to wait an extra second without wearing my gift.
Next I read aloud the card that came with the gift: "Hey Liz! You're such a positive influence! Thanks for blogging about our show! Bob and Sheri".
A few posts back, I blogged about forming an alliance with your spirit. Check the archives on my site for a refresher. In this blog, I mentioned my favorite morning entertainment, The Bob and Sheri Show, and how it inspired me that day. Someone who is connected with the show found this post and sent me an e-mail requesting my clothing size so they could send me a "thank you". Truth be told I was just as excited about the acknowledgement of the e-mail as I was the pajama gram. My day has been made, so to speak, twice by this group.
Throughout the rest of the night I adorned my pajamas and frequently asked Shane, "How do you like my pajama gram?" wanting not to forget my present. I was practicing some of my favorite rules of life, playfulness and gratefulness. Before I went to sleep, I went back into the dining room and brought the package in the bedroom. And that's when I saw it again.
The daisy.
MY flower.
The flower that visited my mother 13 years ago in a desperate moment when she asked God, "Send me a daisy to let me know everything is going to be OK." And He did.
The flower I have adopted and often seek out for comfort.
The flower that sends me the message that I am on the right path, that everything is as it should be, that everything is O.K. and that I am aligned with my spirit. I flashed to the title of my blog that day, "Forming an alliance".
Did God send me a message via the show and this pajama gram that I was in deed following the course He would intend me too? To calm my fears and doubts and to encourage me to keep going?
Believe what you want.... but, I think so.
Critics would say that it is all circumstantial. That this relatively cheaply made flower is adorned on a number of boxes daily and sent to hundreds of people. There is no connection, no divine message - it's only coincidence.
Coincidence or not, I believe it was "God wink" (as one of my favorite books: "God Winks" calls it). It gave me peace, comfort and an unbelievable joy in my soul. I choose to accept His wink and not doubt it.
Pay attention to when you may be experiencing "God winks" or signs that you are not alone in this world. No matter how small - from a penny to a daisy - signs remind us that there is a spiritual connection that is guiding us a long this path of life. Be willing to be a facilitator, too. If your spirit has a drive to call someone, say something to a friend, or send a pajama gram to a blogging stranger.... do it. You could be the vehicle to a deeper message.


anna said...

Wow! Definitely not circumstantial!!! I think it's awesome:-). I love stuff like that. And I love you!!!!! Great blogging as usual.

Beverly Henderson said...

Oh how I agree with you! The little simple signs that are there for us....pennies, daisies, rainbows.... What an awesome blog! Thank you!