Looking around the store I saw anything but sweaters. Colors were everywhere, but not in turtle necks or even long sleeves.
"What?" I exclaimed rather dramatically. "Why do they have Spring clothes out?"
All around me were bathing suits, shorts, tank tops and linen.
I left the store with a slow gait, looking downward.
"Didn't see anything you liked?" Shane asked as he approached the store.
"I barely started wearing my winter coats! My mind is not ready to buy for Spring!" I explained. (or whined more likely)
Have you ever felt like you can't get a grip on time?
"How was your weekend?" one asks.
"Not long enough!" the other replies.
"Not enough hours in the day!" a tired mother explains.
At work someone taped a quote next to the toilet paper rolls in the restroom. It reads, "Life is like a toilet paper roll, the closer you get to the end the faster it goes."
Some people are haunted by time. Never having enough time to do the things they have to do. Never finding the time to do the things they want to do. Feeling depressed worrying about what time may bring. Finding time, needing time -- If we could bottle time, put it in a beautifully painted jar... well, I bet we could make a ton of money selling it on e-bay!!
How do some people appear to not be bothered by the passing of time, while others are "stuck" fighting, resisting and over analyzing it's existence and impact on our lives?
I think the answer lies in regret. Those that embrace the new moments and are thankful for the old, feel at peace for how they have chosen to spend their time. But, if you are thinking time is the enemy, I would question whether or not you are participating against a war within yourself that you will never win.
We can not go back in time. No ifs, ands or buts. Period. What was done was done. Forgive yourself for those decisions that have haunted you and express thankfulness for the good times that you have had the blessing to experience. When you have come back to the present, chose to surrender to the passing of time. We can only gain control when we give it up. Appreciate the day. Live in the moment. Be present to what is all around you today. Get time on your side and quit fighting it! Carpe Diem! If you're not ready to buy a bathing suit when it's 20 degrees outside.... DON"T! The only way to appreciate your life is to live in the now.
"You'll never get anywhere
by forgetting where you
are right now."
Alicia Nash
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