"Jada the Beta" is a beautiful fish that resides in my office. Before his arrival, my office felt stale and void of energy. Jada the Beta (rarely referred to by only his first name!) gave this space life. My clients and colleagues affectionately speak to him and comment on his beautiful colors. Plus, now they know that I am not always talking to myself in the office!
If you have ever owned a fish of any kind, then you appreciate the need and often annoyance of cleaning the bowl. The water turns murky and gradually gets lower. Food particles float around with waste eliminated. The biggest change is Jada's lack of energy. Instead of swimming all around energetically, he sits in one spot. His environment, I can only guess, causes him to feel drained, dirty and depressed.
Yesterday I announced to Jada, "It's bath time!". Taking him down the stairs and in the kitchen, I pulled out the tools for this project. The biggest challenge has always been getting him in the scooping device. That little rascal will dodge me left and right, fighting to leave his comfort zone. If I get him backed against the wall, he eventually has no choice but to get scooped up.
"There's no reason for all this stress!" I tell Jada (yes - I know, I talk to a fish).
"You are going to feel great when some of this grime is out of your life!"
Sure enough, every time he enters the clean water in his bowl, he swims with a new energy.
Yesterday was a little different, though. When I put the scooping device in his bowl, Jada willingly and with little effort swam right in! No stress or avoiding of the change. I was thrilled that we didn't have to waste time getting to the ultimate goal. Either this was solely an accident of luck, or Jada has learned to associate this experience with some initial stress, but eventually a happier life.
Have you ever felt like Jada? I know I have. Everything is status quo; comfortable, but not perfect. Then this thing comes out of nowhere, threatening our regular routine and introducing the element of the unknown. We dodge it, fight it, hide from it, ignore it and then dodge it some more. All to be eventually jerked up, fighting for air and then plummeted in a temporarily confining spot. Banging our head against this new space, questioning if we have been forgotten. Finally, released to the place that was promised and swimming with a new energy and greater understanding of life.
When I am cleaning the bowl, I am determined not to give up on Jada. I have his greater good in mind and if he would just trust that, the stress would be more minimal. It doesn't matter how much he dodges, I will keep trying.
The same is true for God. The spirit wants what is best in your life. Your God desires to give you all you deserve to live a happy life. But, it's not without your willingness to have faith to go in a direction that you are not sure of and leave what is comfortable behind. God will not give up!
If there is an element in your life that keeps popping up, it may be time to stop dodging it and surrender to whatever message this means for you life.
Whatever stage you are in - sitting in murky water, dodging the new element, adjusting to the small temporary space or swimming in your clean water - remember, God is in charge. Good things are around the corner whenever you relax into your spirit's plan. The longer you avoid, the more time you spend in murky water.
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