Monday, October 8, 2007

Nose job or nut job?

In August of this year I went to the dentist for the first time in a couple of years. I know, I know - your suppose to go every six months. I was just "in between" dentists and finally got around to scheduling an appointment. Up until this visit I was proud to say (and a little stuck up about it, according to my husband) that I had a cavity free mouth. My dentist, however, shattered all my illusions by saying I did have a cavity and that my x-rays looked "a little funny". According to the x-rays, my sinuses looked a little swollen and there were some shadow things on my gums (plus I had a knot on my lip he wanted removed). So, he referred me to an oral/facial surgeon for a 'consultation' and then added, "I don't think it's a tumor or anything - but, you may want to check it out." WHAT?
So, I procrastinated, like I sometimes do, and then decided to make the appointment for the consultation. (I mean my parents have spent enough money on my mouth - the least I can do is get it checked out, right?) Today I am in the office, ready for the doc to tell me it's not a big deal. Which, thankfully, he did. No need to get the knot removed; sinuses do look swollen, but surgery is not needed; 'shadows' on the x-rays don't mean anything. Check. Check. Check.
But wait. "Let me have a look at your nose." The doc then tells me he thinks I have a deviated septum "that will eventually cause me difficultly breathing", and that my nostrils "cave in" making it difficult for air to go through. (I just doubled checked as I am blogging - don't worry - breathing just fine). So, he advises I have a surgery to fix the septum and open my nostrils.
OK. Hmmm.... Let me explain another piece of my personality. I am easily talked in to things that are unnecessary that may cost me money. As I am processing how gum x-rays turned in to breathing issues that I didn't even know existed, I hear the doctor ask his assistant to bring him two mirrors. He then has me hold each mirror parallel to my face, so I can see my profile, and asks... "Have you ever considered altering the features of your nose?"
"Like a nose job?"
"Kind of - it is is cosmetic. I would suggest making your nose a touch longer at the tip and thinner up top". I look in the mirrors.
I have always had a small nose that is often joked about endearingly with my family. It sticks up a little and my parents use to tell me that God must of ran out of clay when making me. But, it's MY nose. Short and all.
He offered me a "deal" if I chose to do all the procedures. Well, I like deals at Target, but at the surgeon's office? No, thank you. I called my mom. Called a friend. Bugged Shane for an hour with tears in my eyes ("Shane, is my nose UGLY?"). I wish I could say I was confident in who I was at first. But, there was a shred of doubt.
But, at the end of the day I know the truth. We have to be at peace with who we are, what our choices mean and what we look like. Peace with our imperfections. Peace with who God created us to be. Being at peace with ourselves does not mean that all is 'peaceful' around us. We have to say 'no' sometimes. We have to stand up for what we think is best, even if it isn't the most popular choice. To be at peace with ourselves, we have to be willing to make a few waves, or disappoint a few nut jobs.


Mary Beth said...

As usual, great thoughts and great writing!

Anonymous said...

Hi, nice blog.My grandchild had big nose by birth.We had consulted with many physicians,no use.
At last we heard about Dr.Rivkin,took Rhinoplasty treatment .
Now My grandchild is ok.
Thanks Dr......