Friday, October 5, 2007


A dear friend gave me a beautiful journal for my birthday. Inside the cover she quoted an excerpt from a meditation on 'words' found in the newsletter, "Synchronicity" she subscribes to.

"Words are a way we connect with the world, acting as a
bridge between our inner and outer experience..... If we
view our words as powerful tools for manifesting our reality,
we may be more attentive as to how we use them."
I have read this over and over. This excerpt has so many meanings for me and you can go in several different directions in it's interpretation for your own life. I hope you spend some time developing a sense of what it means to you today.
As I read it this afternoon, I found myself extracting another meaning I had not paid much attention too.
I know we all say, "Say what you mean!" and "Tell those you love how much you love them!" - and the end of that is, of course, "Because it may be your last chance."
I consider myself very fortunate. I believe, with all my soul, that those that have passed on in my life, knew I loved them. I rest easy with this and feel a sense of peace from the blessing that I don't have to doubt this.
Sometimes, however, I am struck with the little things I loved about them, or learned from them, that I never verbally shared.
For example, when I left my Granny and Papa Woods' house, Papa would wave at you the whole time as you pulled out the drive way. I would even turn around as we were driving off and he was still waving. I've adopted this action when guests come. I want them to know, as my Papa let me know, that you are so important to me I will wave until I no longer see you."
And my Papa Streett - did he have a clue how in 'awe' I was that he could actually carve beautiful scenes out of soap? Not only could he do it - but, he then would spend several hours teaching my cousin and me how to do it. Did he have a clue that his patience and gentleness on that day still sticks with me after all these years?
These are little, simple actions that are engraved deeply and with significance in my heart.
I believe both these men know my love for them. I do wish I could have shared with them the little things.
So, that's your challenge today. Share the little things with your friends and your family. Tell them what unique part of their behaviors, rituals, traditions or personality that you love. Share a time from the past that you recall with warm feelings. Express to them what you have learned from being in their life. Whether it's big or small, it will be appreciated. Most importantly, your words will bridge a deeper understanding of your soul touched by another.
Enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

Starshine4650 said...

Your words are inspiring... I know that you and I can talk for hours, and it is so refreshing to know that someone else can find the spiritual in the small things in life, such as a grandparent's wave, your dog's soak in the pool, or even a moment of silence. That is, after all, what life is all about-- to be able to capture that moment and be aware of it.
Thanks for being YOU -- you are awesome!!!!! I hope you keep writing much, much more!
Karen H.