HURRY UP!! Go run and find some peace!
Quick! Yell, scream, fight and demand peace!
Doesn't make much sense, does it? Then why are we doing it?
We talk about wanting a peaceful life, or even to "feel at peace" with a loss, a decision we or someone else has made; we crave that sense of fulfillment; undenying knowledge that everything is as it should be and for the greater good, but, we don't slow down long enough to allow it to come to us.
Peace is not a thing you can search for and certainly not something to be demanded from God, yourself or anyone else. The only action you can take is to be still and allow peace to enter your soul. Peace will not enter until we make room for it in our lives. By making room, we must slow down. This doesn't mean you have to take a day off work, find a babysitter and lay in bed all day. It only means that you need to take a few minutes out of your day to slow down your body, your mind, your life and allow God to work inside of you by bringing peace in your life.
I am sure you are all familiar with the passages in Matthew, Mark and Luke that describe when Jesus calms the storm. Jesus and the disciples were traveling, when a huge storm came upon them, frightening the disciples. When they finally woke Jesus and asked for his help, Jesus said simply, "Peace. Be Still." And the winds and waves calmed, leaving the disciples in wonder at His powers.
Lets think about how powerful and all knowing your higher power is. Even with all the examples you can give, our tiny brains still can not wrap around the magnificence of the supernatural world. Have you ever given much thought to how much had to be exactly right for you to form in your mothers wound... as you. We trust God in those 9 months to do and be all we need to develop. We have the power to go back into that state of trust and then we can receive all the peace one can imagine.
That's it. No magic wand, or special potion. Just a few little steps. Follow these steps and peace will and can enter your life, in God's time, of course.
1. Recognize and acknowledge the storms in your life. If you aren't aware of what's going on, you won't know how to ask for help.
2. Stop. Be Still.
3. Ask. Don't demand. Ask for your higher power to help bring peace in your life.
4. Be still again and trust, have faith, that all will be taken care of in time. ALLOW it to happen and trust in the greater good.
Can you control the wind? I can't. Can you stop waves from crashing? Not me, either. Don't be fooled into thinking you can control much else without God's help.
Peace, Be Still.
1 comment:
This was an AWESOME passage of information Liz. I really needed to read that. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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